Treating Sciatica with Acupuncture

Back pain is probably still the number one reason people seek acupuncture treatment in the United States. For a lot of people Chinese Medicine is the last resort, before surgery, to eliminate something that can be a continuous nag or a debilitating experience that can keep them from work and everyday life.  I can't tell you how many people I've seen for back pain or who I've treated for sciatica specifically, but I can tell you that acupuncture can help.

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Sarah JohnsonComment
Using Acupuncture for Natural Labor Induction

Acupuncture has been used for thousands of years to naturally promote labor in pregnant women. It can be effectively used in the weeks leading up to the due date for labor preparation and induction by preparing the cervix, uterus, and pelvis for birth. It also gives the mind and body a deep feeling of relaxation and calm, that will be helpful with your upcoming labor.

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