Clary Sage Oil and Acupuncture for Labor

I feel like when most of us think about essential oils, we think about how they can benefit our moods. Certain smells such as lavender and chamomile can bring us to a place of deep relaxation while others, like lemon and peppermint can lift us up and help us be more productive at work or at home. Essential oils also have interesting physiological effects and the essential oil I would like to talk about in this article is clary sage.

How Clary Sage Helps With Labor

The scent of essential oils stimulate the pineal gland, pituitary, hypothalamus, amygdala, and hippocampus in the brain. Stimulating these structures affect neurotransmitter secretions of hormones. Clary sage, in particular, acts as a uterotonic which can assist in heavy and painful periods, irregular periods and to contract the uterus. Therefore, it is understood to be a natural method to improve the effectiveness of contractions in labor. It also promotes relaxation during labor as it calms the nervous system and acts as a form of pain relief. Due to its ability to cause uterine contractions, it may also assist in the birth of the placenta and prevent post-partum hemorrhage (excessive bleeding).

In my clinic, I use clary sage along with acupuncture at the very end of the third trimester to promote labor. The combination is both relaxing and effective.

Other Benefits of Clary Sage

Stress Reduction: Clary Sage has a pleasant odor and has been shown to illicit a sense of well being and can help reduce blood pressure.

Alleviation of Menopausal Symptoms: One component of clary sage oil is sclareol, which mimics the effects of estrogen in the body. For this reason, clary sage may be effective at reducing some of the symptoms of menopause. Some research suggests that diluted clary sage oil applied to the bottoms of the feet can reduce hot flashes.

Reducing Menstrual Cramps: A small studyTrusted Source examined 48 women who experienced painful menstruation and cramps. Some of the women were given a cream containing clary sage oil and other essential oils to apply onto their lower abdomens daily, between menstrual cycles. The women who used the cream had a significant reduction in menstrual cramps than the control group.

How To Use Clary Sage For labor

If you are thinking about using clary sage to try to induce labor it is important to be cautious and it is recommended to work in collaboration with your midwife or obstetrician. Clary sage oil is potent and should be used correctly to prevent hyper-stimulation or other side effects such as skin irritation, headaches, or hyper-stimulated contractions. Here’s how to use it safely to promote labor or during labor:

  • Put 2 drops on a dry cloth or cotton ball and simply inhale to promote contractions or during contractions.

  • During contractions in labor, massage 2 drops on acupressure points Spleen 6 and Kidney 1.

  • Put 2 drops on a cotton ball and put under a pillow or near you when you are in labor.

  • Create a massage oil blend with the ratio of 2 drops of clary sage oil to a teaspoon of base oil (such as olive, coconut or grape seed oil). Massage gently around the abdominal area, including the hips, pelvis and lower back. This blend can also be rubbed into your feet and palms.

  • Use a combination of these techniques during labour to increase effectiveness.

Some Things To Be Aware Of When Using Clary Sage

  • Use in early pregnancy may cause miscarriage. As clary sage oil induces contractions of the uterus, it should only be used after 37 weeks of gestation.

  • Be aware of other people present in your birthing space that could be negatively affected by clary sage oil.

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