What the Color of Your Menstrual Blood Tells You About Your Health & Fertility
If you’ve seen an acupuncturist for fertility or any other gynecological issue you may have wondered why we are so nosy about your menstrual cycle. The reason we like to get so much detailed information from you is because the way our periods come and how they feel can tell us a lot about our health. For example, in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) if your period comes early it might be because you have heat in the blood. If it comes late it might be because there is insufficient blood or blood stagnation.
One of the questions we like to ask is, “what is the color of your blood during your period?”
What the Color Of Your Blood Means
Crimson Red: This shade of red is the ideal shade of a healthy flow. It should also have a consistency similar to what you would see if you had cut your finger. Usually with this color cramps are minimal or nonexistent. Cycles are usually within 28-35 days.
Pale Red or Pink: Pale red or pink colored blood will usually have a watery consistency which would point to a deficiency. You need enough density of red blood cells to make healthy blood. From a western perspective, this type of blood could indicate anemia, poor absorption of nutrients, or a poor diet. According to TCM this would mean a deficiency of the Spleen. We think of the Spleen as being directly related to digestion and also as the organ that is responsible in producing blood. If the Spleen qi is weak it will have trouble producing enough blood for a healthy period. You may also be experiencing such symptoms as fatigue, bloating, or a sensation of heaviness in your body.
Bright Red: Bright red blood that is thick, almost mucous-like, is usually an indication of heat (think inflammation). It may be that your basal body temperature is running too high which could interrupt the timing of ovulation. Some other symptoms might be thirst, early periods, sore throat, or hot flashes. If there is fever, foul smelling discharge, or pelvic pain see your doctor to ensure there isn’t a serious infection.
Dark Red: If your basal body temperatures are too low your menstrual blood may be a dark shade of red because uterine blood circulation becomes more sluggish. This can also be caused by Liver Qi stagnation according to TCM. The liver system is responsible for regulating the flow of qi and blood throughout the body. Any interruption in the smooth flow of qi can lead to stagnation symptoms around the period, especially cramps, moodiness, headaches, and breast tenderness.
Dark Purplish Red: In some cases, the blood may present as dark purplish red and usually come with large clots, intense, sharp, stabbing cramps and heavy flow. We call this Blood Stagnation. This kind of period often indicates fibroids or endometriosis and can be especially problematic when trying to conceive.
If you experience any of these symptoms, acupuncture and herbal medicine can be especially effective at providing relief. For some it may take 3-6 months of weekly treatment to see improvement and for others it may just be a matter of making some dietary and lifestyle changes.