Austin Acupuncture for Male Infertility

Roughly one couple in five will have difficulty conceiving. In the United States, this means that more than 6 million couples are currently experiencing infertility. Of couples who fail to achieve a pregnancy, the issue is due exclusively to female infertility about 40% of the time and to male factor infertility about 40% of the time. The remaining 20% of the time, there may be issues with both partners that contribute to the infertility.

When patients come to me for fertility treatment I always ask if they or their partner has had a semen analysis. The semen analysis measures a number of aspects of male fertility

  • Semen Count – Anything over 20 million sperm per milliliter is considered normal.

  • Morphology – This measures the shape of the sperm. A sample is considered normal if more than 30% of the sperm is a regular shape. But some labs assess morphology differently so it’s important to consult your doctor on what is normal.

  • Motility – This looks at whether the sperm can swim and are able to move forward. A sample where more than 60% of the sperm has a good forward motion is considered normal.

  • Volume – This measures the semen volume with any measurement between 1 ml and 6.5 ml being considered normal.

  • Liquefaction – When semen is first produced it has a gel-like consistency. This gel is formed by proteins from the seminal vesicles which are broken up as the semen becomes more liquid. It normally takes less than 20 minutes for a semen sample to change from a gel to a liquid. An abnormally long liquefaction time may indicate an infection.

  • Other – the test may also look for white blood cells that may indicate an infection, the PH of the sample, and fructose levels.

The good news is that by making lifestyle adjustments fertility can be affected quite quickly. However, it is also important that they see an MD to make sure that there are no underlying hormonal or structural problems that are affecting their reproductive ability.

Improving Male Fertility Through Diet & Lifestyle

  • Smoking - Several studies have linked cigarette smoking to lower sperm count, motility, and morphology. Smoking also increases levels of oxidative stress in the semen and can lead to sperm DNA damage and genetically abnormal sperm. If you have been trying to quit and need assistance, acupuncture might help.

  • Drugs and Alcohol - Excessive alcohol consumption has been shown to impair normal sperm. The evidence regarding moderate alcohol intake is less clear, but most experts agree it is best to avoid more than one drink per day. Marijuana use has been shown to reduce sperm count and semen volume. If you need help dropping unhealthy habits, again we can help!

  • Avoid Excessive Heat - It is well-known that the testicles should be cooler than the rest of the body for sperm production to be at its best. The harmful effect of a varicocele on sperm production is believed to result from the extra warming of the area caused by the dilated veins. It is important to avoid other sources of heat exposure to the testicles such as hot tubs, laptop computers, high-temperature work area, or prolonged baths.

  • Diet - Eating a healthful diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can be beneficial for sperm function and male fertility. I encourage an organic and unprocessed food diet because repeated studies have shown that environmental toxins have a negative impact on sperm quality and count. As many of you know sperm counts have decreased dramatically in all men* over the last 50 years which can be attributed to the huge amount of toxic chemicals we all take in these days. Drinking enough water to stay well-hydrated is also important.

  • Exercise - Moderate exercise may be beneficial. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate physical activity on most days of the week.

  • Environmental Hazards - If your work or hobby brings you in contact with environmental dangers such as pesticides, solvents, organic fumes, or radiation exposure, you may be unknowingly affecting your fertility by impairing sperm production.

  • Weight – Being overweight affects sperm count and sperm motility as this study shows. From research, it would seem that even being a little overweight can reduce fertility and those who are obese have a greater chance of being infertile all together.

Nutritional Supplements For Male Fertility

  • Vitamin C & E - Vitamins C and E are essential antioxidants that protect the body’s cells from damage from oxidative stress and free radicals. Vitamin C is one of the most abundant antioxidants in the semen of fertile men, and it contributes to the maintenance of healthy sperm by protecting the sperm’s DNA from free radical damage.

    Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps protect the sperm’s cell membrane from damage. Studies have shows that vitamin E improves sperm motility (movement). Vitamin C functions to regenerate vitamin E; thus, these vitamins may work together to improve sperm function. Vitamin C has been shown to increase sperm count, motility, and morphology. Men with low fertilization rates who took vitamin E supplements for three months showed a significant improvement in fertilization rate. Vitamin E supplementation in infertility men resulted in increased pregnancy rates.

  • Vitamin D - Vitamin D has several important roles in the body, including regulating the immune system, improving muscular function, and potentially offering protection from a variety of health conditions. Vitamin D is important for male reproduction and androgen (testosterone) status. In a recent study, men with normal vitamin D levels had better sperm motility than men who were vitamin D deficient.

  • Selenium - Selenium is a trace mineral that functions as an antioxidant. Selenium supplements have been shown to increase sperm motility, ad a combination of selenium and vitamin E has been shown to decrease damage from free radicals and improve sperm motility in infertile men.

  • Lycopene - Lycopene is a potent antioxidant and carotenoid (plant pigment) that is abundant in tomatoes. This phytonutrient is found in high levels in the testes, and research has shown that lycopene supplementation improved sperm parameters in infertile men.

  • Folic Acid - Folic Acid is a B-vitamin that is necessary for DNA synthesis. Low levels of folic acid have been associated with a decreased sperm count and decreased sperm motility. In a recent study, the combination of zinc and folic acid results in a 75% increase in total normal sperm count in sub-fertile men.

  • Zinc - Zinc is an essential trace mineral that plays a role in sperm formation, testosterone metabolism, and cell motility. Zinc supplementation has been shown to increase testosterone levels, sperm count, and sperm motility.

  • L-Carnitine - L-Carnitine is an amino acid derivative produced y the body that functions to transport fat so it can be broken down for energy. L-carnitine is though to also have antioxidant properties. L-carnitine’s primary benefit is to provide energy for sperm, and therby increase sperm motility.

Acupuncture & Herbal Medicine For Male Fertility

Several credible studies such as this one and this one have shown that regular acupuncture treatment can have an impact on semen quality. Herbal medicine is also known to help improve sperm quality. Here’s what we can do to help.

  • Improve sperm count

  • Improve sperm motility

  • Improve sperm morphology

  • Increase libido

  • Help correct erectile dysfunction

  • Increase blood flow to the testicles to treat varicocele

  • Stress reduction

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