Castor Oil: Things To Know!
Castor oil has been used medicinally in ancient Egypt, China, Persia, Africa, Greece, Rome, and made its way to Europe and the Americas in the 1600s. Centuries ago, the plant was referred to as “Palma Christe” because the leaves were said to resemble the hand of Christ. This association likely arose out of people’s reverence for the plant’s healing abilities. It is a clear, flavorless oil obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor plant, Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae).
External Uses: Castor Oil Packs
Although castor oil has been used internally in some cases, it’s true health benefits are obtained using it externally. Popularized by psychic and intuitive healer Edgar Cayce in the 1930s and 1940s castor oil packs caught on in the mainstream and were used in American households as a common remedy. Cayce’s work with castor oil was later researched and proven by primary care physician William McGarey among others.
Castor oil packs can be an economical and efficient method of infusing the healing components of castor oil directly into your tissues. Ricinoleic acid is one of these components.
For application, you can rub castor oil directly into the skin but if you truly want the most therapeutic effect, try a castor oil pack which combines heat therapy.
Benefits of Castor Oil
Some conditions treated are GI complaints, ovarian cysts, menstrual issues, irregular menses, painful menses, fibroids, acne, arthritis, lymphedema, and chronic infections. Castor oil packs applied topically can:
Stimulate and support the immune system
Drain lymphatic system
Anti-inflammatory effect
Anti-viral effect
Ant-fungal effect
Pain and swelling
Increase circulation
Increase lymphocyte production
Improve digestion
Stimulate the liver and gallbladder
Benefit the skin
How to Make and Use a Castor Oil Pack
You will need:
High-quality cold-pressed castor oil
A hot water bottle or heating pad
Plastic wrap
Two or three one-foot square pieces of wool or cotton flannel
One large old bath towel
Fold flannel* three layers thick so it is still large enough to fit over your entire upper abdomen and liver. You can also treat over a local area, like swollen lymph nodes on the neck, ankles, knees.
Soak flannel with the oil so that it is completely saturated. The oil should be at room temperature. Lie on your back with your feet elevated. Place the flannel pack directly onto your abdomen; cover oiled flannel with the sheet of plastic, and place the hot water bottle on top of the plastic. I recommend wearing something you don’t mind staining.
Leave the pack on for 45 to 60 minutes. This is a great time to practice breathe work, read, or just relax. You can reuse the pack several times, each time adding more oil as needed to keep the pack saturated.
*Pro-tip: If you have a pet and happen to have wee-wee pads laying around, you can use this instead of the plastic wrap and flannel!
If you would like to purchase a full castor oil kit instead of making your own, you can get it online here: Radiant Life