Millions of people suffer from fatigue which can show up in a variety of ways. While many sufferers are able to push through it, others find it difficult to find the motivation and energy to get through daily life. Here are some of the common causes of fatigue according to Chinese Medicine and some self care tips to help.
Read MoreThere's a 5th season, according to Chinese Medicine and we're in it right now! Check out this blog post to find out how to stay healthy during this time and some really good foods to incorporate into your diet.
Read MorePregnancy... the wonderful time when your body changes in ways that you didn't even know possible. For some women this is a joyful time and they pass through the months with relative ease. For others it can be a struggle at different times or even throughout their whole pregnancy. Good news! You probably didn't know all the things that acupuncture is able to treat to make this experience easier, and I'm going to share them with you.
Read MoreDifferent body types have different dietary needs. Over the past few weeks I've been giving some nutritional advice for common body types based on a Traditional Chinese medical perspective. While you could show symptoms of more than one body type, usually you'll tend towards one the strongest. This week, the Pale body type.
Read MoreSo far, I've covered eating for the damp body type, and the dry body type. This week we'll talk about the stuck type.
Read MoreTwo weeks ago you might have seen my post about eating for a dry body type. This week, I'll focus on the damp type of person, and what to eat and what to avoid if you fit into this category.
Read MoreCertain body types require different diets to feel healthy. In my next few blogs I'll be pointing out some of the common body types according to Chinese Medicine and giving some dietary advice for each. Look out for yours!
Read MoreTinnitus is not a disease, and is very rarely a symptom of a serious medical problem. But it can drive a person downright crazy. Michelangelo, a tinnitus sufferer, wrote in his memoirs that he was "plagued by the incessant chirping of crickets." Guess what... acupuncture can help!
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